When you suspect you may have mold in your home, over time it can affect your well being. Even if you are able to see and clean the mold, you’ll never be 100% you successfully did so until it has been properly tested.
Sight and smell can only get you so far when it comes to knowing whether or not mold is present. We test at multiple locations to make sure that any mold that needs to be removed, gets removed.
Mold spreads quickly. The key is identifying it as soon as possible. We are experts at not only detecting mold, but also removing it.
Ignorance is not always bliss. Not being aware of mold in your home or commercial space only brings down-sides. Mold testing will discover levels of contamination and allow for an appropriate course of action to be made as to how to care for it.
With decades of experience dealing with mold and the right equipment to boot, you can trust CIS Restoration will be able to find out whether or not there is harmful mold colonies developing.
Not only will CIS Restoration find the mold, but we also are fully equipped and ready to remove any mold. Our team can keep your other items out of the line of fire while remediating the mold by moving them to our off site facility. Wherever the mold is, we will also prevent further spread by creating containment barriers. You can trust CIS Restoration to leave your home clean and clear of mold.